November 17, 2021
Kingdom Dynamics Weekly (KDW) November 17, 2021, by Tunde Olugboji Vol 21:46
In a couple of weeks, 2021 will be history. Another year of God’s faithfulness would bite the dust. Another race is coming to an end. The finish line is in view. The question is, how well have you been running your race in 2021? With perseverance or slothfully? Heb 12:1(b) says: …let us run with endurance the race that is set before us…
God has set before each of us a race that is uniquely designed for us. To effectively run this race, we need a virtue known as endurance. The race of life involves effort and commitment, determination and tenacity, which means that passive folks will struggle on the racetrack. God wants us not just to proactively run the race, but to finish it, and finish it right.
Endurance is the ancient Greek word “hupomone,” which means steadfastness and constancy, the characteristic of a person who is not swerved from his or her deliberate purpose, and his or her loyalty to faith; a patient; sustaining perseverance. If you have endurance, you won’t be easily distracted or sidetracked by challenges, trials and sufferings.
Race is the ancient Greek word “agona,” used for conflict or struggle of many kinds, and one of Apostle Paul’s favorite words. (Ph 1:30, Col 2:1, 1 Thes 2:2, 1 Tim 6:12, 2 Tim 4:7) In Acts 20:24 Paul pictured himself as a runner who had a race to finish, and nothing would keep him from finishing the race with joy. We can only finish our race with joy, if we endure the challenges pre-race, during the race, and post-race. Paul said he fought the good fight, finished the race, and have kept the faith. (2 Tim 4:7) Doesn’t that illustrate the connection between a fight, a race and faith?
But it is not just about running a race, it is about running a successful race. Have you ever wondered why some people fail to run a good race? Here are a few reasons:
1. Failure to start the race, or not starting at the right time, e.g., by procrastinating.
2. Starting the race with little preparation, without sharpening our weapon of warfare, the Word of God. (2 Cor 10:4-6).
3. Competing in the wrong event, e.g., when your gift is encouraging people and you decided to participate in a singing competition, or a sumo wrestler running the sprint.
4. Falling during a race, for example because of sin. Remember that Samson, began the deliverance of his people but he never finished his assignment. (Jud 13:5).
5. Self-doubt, self-limitations, and self-condemnation.
6. Lack of focus, because of distraction.
Will you pray thus this week: Lord, help me to avoid the 6 obstacles highlighted above, and to be proactive, not passive, to be positive, passionate, single-minded, running my race zealously and vigorously. I am not competing with my brother or sister; my focus will be on Jesus who is by the finishing line. Help me God to be steadfast in my faith, resolute in my work with you, and unwavering in my devotion to the things of God as I run the race that has been marked out for me. I will finish 2018 strong, even if I stumble, I will get back on track, with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Have a great week.
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