November 13, 2024

Our bible study this evening is titled “A Man after God’s Heart”. Our anchor text is 1 Samuel 13:14.
The Old Testament in the Bible documents the life of David from his early beginnings, his defeat of Goliath in defense of God and his people, his service to God through his loyalty to King Saul, his years as King including his sin of adultery, the loss of his son, Absolom, and his final instructions to his son Solomon on his death bed. Yet, one major thing that stands out regarding David is a phrase God used to describe him that is used for no other person in the Bible, “a man after my own heart”.
Why did God put such a high affirmation on this man? He committed murder and adultery; Did that not disqualify him?
The objective of this bible study is to learn how we can have a heart after God’s heart, like David had.
Please, join us as Minister Nneoma Ewurum leads this evening’s bible study on A Man after God’s Heart.
Download the study outlines here: