Weekly Updates Blog

December 20, 2021 / No comment

The True Spirit of Christmas

Kingdom Dynamics Weekly (KDW) December 20, 2021, by Tunde Olugboji Vol 21:51 The True Spirit of Christmas Next Saturday is Christmas, a time to remember the spirit of Christmas, a story which started over 2000 years ago in the town of Nazareth where

December 13, 2021 / No comment

Can I Really Forget my Past? 

Kingdom Dynamics Weekly (KDW) December 13, 2021, by Tunde Olugboji Vol 21:50 Can I Really Forget my Past? One of Paul’s seminal statements can be found in Phi 3:13-14: ‘Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it.

December 3, 2021 / No comment

Is God In It?

Kingdom Dynamics Weekly (KDW) December 3, 2021, by Tunde Olugboji Vol 21:48 Is God in it? As we round up our discussion on the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000. (John 6, Mt 14, Mk. 6; Lk. 9)  there are a few more lessons we can learn, including

November 27, 2021 / No comment

As We Approach 2022 

Kingdom Dynamics Weekly (KDW) November 27, 2021, by Tunde Olugboji Vol 21:47 As We Approach 2022 This week, we will revisit the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000, the only miracle of Jesus, apart from his resurrection, that was recorded in all

November 17, 2021 / No comment

Will you finish your race strongly in 2021? 

Kingdom Dynamics Weekly (KDW) November 17, 2021, by Tunde Olugboji Vol 21:46 In a couple of weeks, 2021 will be history. Another year of God’s faithfulness would bite the dust. Another race is coming to an end. The finish line is in view. The

November 8, 2021 / No comment

Inquire from God, not from friends

Kingdom Dynamics Weekly (KDW) November 8, 2021, by Tunde Olugboji Vol 21:45 Inquire from God, not from friends For most of us, taking an important decision often means picking up the phone and calling friends and family, seeking advice. Even on big

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