Missions and World Outreach Ministry

Taking the Good News of Jesus Christ To all nations

About AHOW Missions

At Agape House of Worship, through our Missions and World Outreach Ministry, we support and partner with missionaries and ministries all over the world so that the Good News of Jesus Christ can reach all nations.

Uganda Missions Trip 2024

Are you ready to make a profound difference in the lives of orphans in Uganda? This transformative missions trip is your chance to serve with love, compassion, and dedication, leaving a lasting impact on those in need.

Trip Highlights:

  • Vacation Bible School:
    Engage with the children at the orphanage through fun activities, crafts, and Bible lessons that share the love of Christ. Help create lasting memories, nurture their spiritual growth, and lead them to a deeper relationship with Jesus.
  • Medical and Dental Fair:
    Provide essential health services to the children and the community, including check-ups, basic medical care, and dental treatments. Your care can make a significant difference in their well-being and quality of life.
  • Evangelism and Ministry:
    Share the Gospel in the local community with opportunities to minister alongside the team. Spread hope and light by bringing the message of Christ to those who need it most

Why Join Us?

  • Fulfill the Great Commission:
    Be part of a mission to evangelize and make disciples in Uganda, answering the call to spread the Gospel and bring others to Christ.
  • Grow Spiritually:
    Deepen your faith through service, prayer, and fellowship with fellow believers. This trip offers a unique opportunity to grow closer to God as you serve others.
  • Make a Lasting Impact:
    Your support and service can transform lives, providing love, care, and resources to these orphans. Remember, it’s easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.
  • Experience Cultural Exchange:
    Immerse yourself in Ugandan culture and build meaningful connections with the local community, gaining a deeper understanding and appreciation of their way of life.
  • Estimated Cost: $1,800
    This includes a basic economy ticket, shared hotel room, and meals. The cost does not include the $50 visa fee for Uganda. A $300 deposit is required to secure your spot, with the remaining balance payable in installments.

Join us on this journey of faith and service, and be a part of something greater than yourself. Together, we can bring hope, healing, and the love of Christ to Uganda.

Our Purpose

At Agape House of Worship, through our Missions and World Outreach Ministry, we support and partner with missionaries and ministries all over the world so that the Good News of Jesus Christ can reach all nations.

To pray and develop a strategy for missions

Our mission is to fervently seek God's guidance through prayer and intentional planning as we develop a strategic approach for our missions ministry.

To mobilize people to support mission work

Our mission is to inspire and mobilize individuals within our community to actively support and engage in mission work.

To act as liaisons to missionaries and update the church on progress

Our mission is to serve as dedicated liaisons between our church and missionaries, ensuring clear communication and ongoing support. By maintaining close connections with those on the field, we aim to keep our congregation informed about their progress, challenges, and needs.

To plan and execute short term mission trips

Our mission is to plan and execute impactful short-term mission trips that cause life changing impact, deepen the faith of the short term missionaries and raise long term missionaries.

Missions Ministry Lead

Minister Nneoma Ewurum


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